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The No Nonsense Guide For Saving Your Home
Now you can reference Soble’s straight forward approach to navigating through the mortgage and foreclosure process. Filled with case studies and legal commentary that is easy to comprehend, relatable, and instructive. Best of all it can be read in as little as one afternoon.
“This book was so easy to read and understand. It was written for regular homeowners just like me. Not too much ‘legal’ language. I feel more confident now about my situation. David Soble gave me the basic understanding of what I need to know and do about my circumstances.” Caren D., Rochester, MI
“I read this in an afternoon. All I can say is that it delivered the info and more. I am still going to speak with the attorney but I have a better handle on what the bank is trying to do to me. I feel like I have more control now.” Jim B., Wyandotte, MI
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Former Big Bank "Insider"
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30 +Years of Legal & Business Experience
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We Reduce Legal Exposure & Financial Risks
Real Estate Law
Real estate and finance law are their own legal specialties. So how do you determine which attorney you should work with...
Contract Law
Contracts regulate expectations between parties. Working without a contract is comparable to walking a high wire without a net.
Business Law
Attorneys having years of both practical business experience as well as legal expertise are rare. David Soble is one of these...
Financial Disputes
David Soble has decades of experience being a 'big bank insider." He and his team are uniquely situated when it comes to handling our clients stressful financial...
We regularly and successfully litigate real estate and contract issues. While we prefer to first resolve our client's issues amicably, we can and will escalate....
Estate Planning & Probate
To most people, their home or other types of real estate is usually the most valuable asset that they own. We help our clients protect these assets and ensure that they are properly...
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5 Tips for a Successful Loan Modification
Earlier this month, CNBC news reported that nationally, consumers and business owners are at greater risk of losing their assets as the number of foreclosures and repossessions have spiked. The need for payment modifications and more flexible loan guidelines persists....
Bank Foreclosures & Repossessions Spike Again: 5 Tips for Requesting a Loan Modification
Earlier this month, CNBC news reported that nationally, consumers and business owners are at greater risk of losing their assets as the number of foreclosures and repossessions have spiked. The need for payment modifications and more flexible loan guidelines persists....